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Thank you for visiting Perfumology. We are a small, family owned perfumery who greatly appreciate your orders and fulfill them as quickly as possible. Thank you for visiting Perfumology. We are a small, family owned perfumery who greatly appreciate your orders and fulfill them as quickly as possible.

House of Matriarch



Honor the endless ritual and joy of the Zen Garden.  Rare essences of alligator juniper, black copal, aglaia, chrysanthemum and evergreens of the Far East fully express the radiance and depth you crave when reaching for a green fragrance.

As timeless as the garden itself, bursting specimen conifers are the pathway to the heart of a pristine reflection garden where you partake in bonsai's companion ritual - the tea ceremony.  Here, the fresh beginning is harmonized to an ancient and earthy wood base, rooting into the soil of your most primitive pleasure centers with touchpoints of incense and spice.

Notes: Juniper, Chrysanthemum, Copal, Aglaia, Japanese Cypress, Incense